This is our first newsletter of 2021 and we wish you a Happy New Year 🎉
We hope in 2021 you can attend meetings in office, watch bad movies in a theater, and complain about the service at your neighborhood pub. To quote a line from one of our favourite shows - “There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?”
The start of 2021 also means that our quizzes are back. We have the legendary Dr Navin Jaykumar at the helm for the 4th edition of our Great India Quiz on Republic Day 26th January. Register soon to get an early bird discount.
Things we learnt this week:
One of Donald Trump’s moderate success stories was the organization of a cycling race on the lines of Tour de France. The Tour de Trump ran for 2 years, before Trump fell behind on payments and decided to stop sponsoring the race. The race was deemed successful enough for DuPont to take over and call it Tour DuPont. It also saw the debut of one Lance Armstrong.
Prabodh Chandra was determined to become India’s best wrestler and even received training under Jatindra Charan Guho - the first Asian to win the World Light Heavyweight Championships way back in 1921. His poor eyesight led to mishaps on the wrestling mat, especially when he wore glasses while competing. He soon changed careers and became known as Manna Dey, enthralling millions with his music. File under ‘todey I learned’.
Getting a rejection letter from a publisher is common if you’re a writer. But what would you do if this happened 375 times? You change your name to Regret. Sathyanarayana Iyer, changed his legal name to Regret Iyer and has thankfully not regretted his decision.
From Twitter, with love
Every week, we put together facts about your favourite things/people/places, so you can learn something new.
January 1st was the birth anniversary of one of India’s greatest scientists.
Ramanand Sagar created the famous Ramayan TV show. But did you know he also created Charas? The movie, not the substance.
2020 ended with one hell of a movie - AK vs AK. Here is our mostly spoiler-free thread.
Things we’re reading / watching / listening to:
Sholay: The making of a classic - A book about the making of a blockbuster by Anupama Chopra. A light read about how the right things happened at the right time for the right set of people to make this iconic movie.
The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World - The world changed not because of some outworldly invention but because of an ugly looking box that made transportation of huge quantities of products easy across the world. This book on containers has nothing to do with Kubernetes.
And lastly, our super cool merchandise!
The kit includes: Coffee Mug(1), NoteBook (1), Stickers (8), Collectible Post Card (1), Fill this form and let us know if you would like some?
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Have a safe new year!